Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Physical Child Abuse On Children - 1298 Words

Effects of Physical Child Abuse Why do folks abuse their child or children? Child abuse includes physical mistreatment and neglect, and happens everywhere throughout the world. These poor little kids are being hit, kicked, poisoned, burned, slapped, or having objects thrown at them. At the point when a child encounters physical child abuse, the wounds runs genuinely deep. Abusing children is the last thing an adult should do to a child because they can either become broken, bitter, or hollow. Authorized implications vary from state to state, however, child physical abuse is any physical demonstration by a caregiver that outcomes in a child being hurt or injured. Children who are physically abused can create child traumatic stress. They are also at risk for depression and anxiety. Child abuse has been linked to poor physical, emotional, and mental development. According to R. Kim Oates, Michael G. Ryan, and Suzette M. Booth (2000), â€Å"Child abuse did not become recognized by profe ssions until around the elate 1960s and early 1970s, the abuse of children has been a feature of most societies for many centuries† (p.133). The most obvious or normal effect of child abuse is physical injuries to the child or children. Physical abuse can leave minor wounds on the body, such as bruises, or it can be very severe, such as broken bones or death. The pain and suffering leaves much deeper emotional scars. Studies investigating the prevalence of child abuse find that almost 900,000Show MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Physical Child Abuse On Children Essay2358 Words   |  10 Pages Abstract Physical child abuse is a major social problem which can have an effect on children in numerous ways depending on the extent of the abuse, the child, and the abuser. Physical child abuse can impact children negatively and lead them to delinquent acts as well as them carrying on these behaviors into adulthood. 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