Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Importance Of A Training Program For Women - 851 Words

Introduction In Saudi Arabia, there is a need to activate the participation the role of women in the development process in the community. The role of female in Saudi society is to be a good mother and a good wife. Women in any society like men, and they have the same right to work. Women are less than half of Saudi society, and the estimated proportion of women in Saudi society is about 45% of the population. They have not an important and active role in the renaissance of the community. Education system in the kingdom led to a lack of activation of the role of women and, it play the important role to prevent women their right of employment and active participation in the community. Women s education in Saudi Arabia was limited to education women to fill the limited functionality in the field of education. There is a need to create a training program for the female unemployment to raise their skills to do various jobs like men in Saudi society. Nature of the problem In Saudi Arabia, there are many social problems, and they may effect on the development of the country. The one of these problems is the high rate of unemployed women. Women in Saudi Arabia do not have active role in the development, and they are unused workforce in the society. Saudi society is different from any society, and it has his view about women. From the view of Saudi society, the traditional role of women is more valued as mother or a wife, and the Saudi education prepare them to be a good motherShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Treatment Of Fibromyalgia1267 Words   |  6 Pagesdepression, and widespread pain, an increase in activity as a part of a comprehensive treatment plan is an option to consider. The following critique and literature review evaluates the usefulness of increased activity levels to decrease pain in women with fibromyalgia. 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